Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wow, finals!

So. School.  Yeah.  Almost done!!!!!!!
My finals schedule is as follows:

  • 22. Jan - 08:00 - Deutsch 2 Exam
  • 26. Jan - 08:00 - Deustch 3 Exam
  • 26. Jan - 11:00 - Strategic Management Exam
  • 02. Feb - 10:30 - International Business Law Exam
  • 02. Feb - 13:30 - Sustainable Development Exam
  • 03. Feb - 13:30 - International Business Exam
  • 05. Feb - 09:00 - Information Technology Exam
Then I am FINISHED!  This is SO exciting... =D

Anyways, on the 5th, I catch a flight in the evening to Katowice, Poland and a bus to Kraków and spend the weekend with Kit.  =D  On Sunday, she's coming back with me to Germany and we'll chill in Pforzheim until Wednesday when we go to ROME.  =D  I'm so super excited.  I've heard that Rome is gorgeous.  We might be taking day trips to Pisa, Florence, and Venice while we're there, it all depends on what we feel like doing.  =)

After that, my schedule is a bit...fluid.  Definitely going to visit Seville, Spain (there's a Willows Alum over there that I'm going to bother visit for a few days) and I still have to see France (mostly Paris), Luxembourg and Belgium.

Looking into spending a little €€ to ensure that I have internet next month.  I think it'll be worth it.  Also, as a reference (though, I'm sure I'll update it later) my flight information is as follows:
  • FRA - DTW
    • Depart FRA: 10:20 (GMT +1)
    • Arrive at DTW: 13:50 (GMT -5)
  • DTW - ORD
    • Depart DTW: 15:20 (GMT -5)
    • Arrive at ORD: 15:45 (GMT -6)
Yeah, I know previously (on facebook) I had said that I'd be arriving at 15:21, but I just checked the information now and the flight was changed so my arrival has been moved back about 20 minutes.

It's funny, if you just look at the times, I'm departing at 10:20 and arriving at 15:45 which LOOKS like it's only going to take a little over 5 hours... Sadly, it's going to be about double that.  Ah well, c'est la vie =)

Anyways, time for me to study, or figure out my plans for February, or pack... =)


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