Monday, August 31, 2009

More info:

Flight 1: Chicago to Detroit - Northwest Airlines - Flight NW1246
Scheduled to depart O'Hare at 2pm and arrive in Detroit at 4:26pm
Flight 2: Detroit to Frankfurt - Northwest Airlines - Flight NW0052
Scheduled to depart Detroit at 5:20pm and arrive in Frankfurt at 7:40am on Tuesday, September 1.

From the airport, Bank (my travel buddy from IIT) and I will make our way to the train station and there board a train that will take us to Pforzheim.  We should get into Pforzheim around 2:30pm.  We'll be picked up there by Bank's "buddy" Elena who will drive us (and our luggage) to our dorm.

Weather in Pforzheim for Tuesday, September 1: High of 86, low of 59.  (that's 30 and 15 in the metric system)

Also, going to be in Germany and the surrounding countries from Tuesday, September 1 until Monday, March 1.  =)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

T-one day and counting...

All my bags are packed (except the carry-on), I'm ready to go (but not really)...

Still have to make copies of my passport, pack my carry-on, and purchase a few "last minute" items that will go in my carry-on.  =p  I'm not a master packer, like Kit, so it's taking me a while, but thankfully I think I have everything I need.  Including ALL of my knitting needles.  ;-)  I've heard that there is BEAUTIFUL yarn in Germany, so I intend to be prepared, even if it is "unnecessary"...  =)  Besides, there's nothing like knitting while on a train... ;-)

I'm guessing that the next update will be when I'm in Germany, but I'm not 100% sure.  I'm on skype and gmail all the time.  =)  Shoot me an email or leave a comment here...  OH, I think I'll be getting a "burn phone" while I'm over there, so that'll be helpful with communication and stuff as well.

Ciao =)
(Yes, I'm aware that that's Italian, but "Auf Weidersehen" is waaaay too long...)  =D

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Packing and preparations

So, I'm working on packing.  I have one "checked" bag full of clothes, the other filling with clothes and shoes and other essentials (such as contact solution (until I can find it there), deodorant, blankets, sheets, etc...) that I'll need.

Unfortunately, I completely misread the Northwest Airlines Checked Baggage guide and thought I was allowed two 70 lb bags for free.  When, in fact, I only get one free bag, and it can only weigh up to 50lbs.     That is really frustrating, because I'm going for SIX months.  It's a $150 fee for an overweight bag and a $50 fee for a second bag.  GROSS.  Oh well, I'll have to look into the price of shipping things back to the US when I'm all done over there...

I am, however, allowed a carry-on bag as well as a laptop bag/purse/whatever.  So that'll be nice.

Anyways.  I have to buy more things tomorrow and visit Grandparents and say goodbye to people, so I should probably head to bed.

G'night folks!