Friday, February 19, 2010

Short update on my time in Seville =)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wow, my computer died and I lost my entire entry on Rome before I got to post it...

First things first, let me talk about my beautiful day in Seville. I woke up around 08:30, got dressed and headed out with Sarah to pick up Tomas and go to Mass. We went to Ash Wednesday Mass at The Cathedral in Seville. This is the second largest church in Europe. The first is St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. =D Now I can say that I've been to both! ;) Anyways, after Mass, Sarah and I walked around the Seville city center for a bit and then caught the bus back to her apartment for lunch. After lunch, Sarah had to go to work, so I chilled and then Tomas' friend Juan Luis came by to take me around Seville and show me some cool things. =) Sarah and Tomas had set this up for me, so I would be able to see the sights with someone who was a) a very good english speaker and b) knew what he was talking about. (Or if he didn't know, he put on a very good show ;) ) Juan Luis showed up around four thirty, and together we went to the city center. We walked through the city center towards the Cathedral, but the Cathedral was closed to the public, so we walked around through different areas, with Juan Luis pointing out different historical and religious sights including the Macarena, which is a famous statue of the Virgin Mary. Around 18:45 we walked along the river for about forty-five minutes and then decided to go get a “Merienda” which is basically a something sweet that the Spanish have between lunch and dinner. They usually have lunch around one or two and then dinner anywhere between nine and eleven at night. Juan Luis took me to a really cute little restaurant/cafe thing where we had a small dessert and tea (me) and coffee (him). After that, we went to see the plaza of Santa Cruz and then he drove me back to Sarah's apartment. Sarah was still at work, she teaches English and so has classes after other people are done with their work or school. So I went in and found my poor, crashed computer, and sighed over the lost stories of Rome that I'll have to re-write and then started this entry.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Last night, after Sarah came home we made dinner and then went to bed. We were going to watch a movie, but by the time dinner was finished it was close to 23:30, so we figured bedtime was best for both of us, especially since Sarah had to work in the morning.  Today, it rained all day. I'm not kidding. The people of Seville don't deal with rain's rather amusing. Especially since it's rather warm out, about 15 degrees Celsius. This morning, we went to Tomas' house around eleven, watched “Bella” and then Sarah and I went back to her place for lunch. Sarah left for work at 1:30 and I cleaned up lunch (did dishes, put food away) and then napped and caught up on my email/facebook time ;) Sarah came home around 5:30 or six and after a small marienda, we went out together to go to Mass at San Salvador in the center and then get some tapas for dinner afterwards. The Mass at San Salvador was short, but really pretty, with a short song to Mary at the end of it. Tapas was DELICIOUS. =D After dinner, we headed back to Sarah's place and it was already ten, so we called it a night.

I love Seville. Really, it's just a gorgeous place. And the weather here is just wonderful. The accent is something I need to get used to, considering that the Spanish I usually hear is from Mexico and the Spanish here is... well... Spanish. =) Granted, I'd need to learn Spanish, of any sort, before actually moving here ;) And no, I probably won't actually move here, but it'd be nice to visit again. =D

Plaza de EspaƱa

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