Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Upcoming Trips

  • I just realized that I really don't have a lot of time left here.
    • Trip to Pol-la-land (YAY) 25 November to 2 December
    • Trip to Munich (again!)  4 December to 6 December
    • Two weeks of class
      • Which include handing in two papers and giving three presentations.
    • Three weeks of Ireland 17 December to 7 January
      • Yeah, going there for Christmas and New Years =)
    • Two weeks of class
      • One more presentation (related to one of the two papers previously handed in)
    • Two weeks of Finals
    • Trip to Pol-la-land (again!) 5 February to 7 February
    • Trip to Rome (w/ Kit!) 10 February to 15 February
    • Two weeks
    • Trip to Chicago. 1 March
      • Yeah, ok, I guess I technically shouldn't call this a "trip" but I wanted to keep up with the "theme" ;-) 
The lack of time here makes me sad (The people here are so wonderful, I don't want to leave them!) and freaked (What do I do when I get home? Job searching??? Woah!) and think "Woah, wait, what??? Already????" Though, I have to say, it will be Really Nice to see everyone back at home again.  =)

Much love,



  1. We can't tell you how much we miss you... it would be redundant...because we really miss you. On the other hand... I am thrilled that you are making the best of your time in Europe!!! You are doing exactly what I had hoped you would do. You are traveling to places that will affect your entire life, and you will have wonderful memories. Take lots of pictures. But lots of rosaries. Do as many things as money, time, and studying allow! The best thing about all of those new friends is that you now have new destinations for travel...

  2. I am so glad to see your planed trips. And I agree Study,travel,and friends what a great combo oh and prayer. Love from the states makes it perfect. Love Grand Pa Ed.
