Saturday, September 12, 2009

I was serenaded on Sunday... (along with a bunch of other people...)

So...I just realized that I never told you-amazing-people-who-read-about-my-travels about the guitarist who happened by on Sunday night and played for us...

On Sunday (the 6th), after Bank and I got back from wandering the North side of Pforzheim, we were cooking dinner when Milan, Twang and Slave (pronounced "Sla-veh") mentioned to us that they were going to have a few drinks on the porch that night, if we wanted to join them.  We figured, why not, and around 11pm Bank and I met them downstairs.  After a short time of sitting on the porch talking, a guy with a guitar case and a bottle of wine walked by.  He spoke English with an Irish accent, which I found amusing.  When we asked him to play guitar for us, he said "no, if I do, the police will show up."  But after a short while of talking, he decided to play for us anyways.  Sure enough, after about 5 songs, the police came by!  It wasn't anything serious, though.  Just "keep it down, people are trying to sleep."  They were really nice.  =)

After the police left, it was made known to me that that sort of thing happened all of the time.  There were even times when the police would show up, have a few drinks with the party, and then mention that said party should quiet down.  Apparently it's only a problem when they have to show up a few times in the same night.

We waited and talked for about another 20 minutes and Oliver (I'm pretty sure that's his name, I didn't hear it when he introduced himself, so I don't know for sure...) said he wanted to play some more and we all went inside the lobby of Kepplerstrasse (since it was getting to be a bit chilly) and got an encore.

He was really good!  It was a fun way to start off the week - new friends, good drinks and good music.  Unfortunately, I didn't get to bed until about 1:30am and had class on Monday at 9... But I made it there alright and without any problems =)

Here's a better picture of Oliver.

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*** so far, all of the pictures that you see are courtesy of Bank, the master photographer =)

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