Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pretend you're hearing the theme from The Godfather...

I went to Church this morning and got to sit in on an Italian Baptism.  It was SO COOL.  Bank and I went "Church Hunting" aka: I thought I knew where there was a Catholic church which was having Mass, but when we got there, we saw that the 11am Mass was actually at a different church.  So we walked through town to get there, and when we did we found that a) we were only a few minutes late; b) there was a Baptism going on; and c) it was all in Italian.  =D

I was able to understand enough from my (somewhat limited) knowledge of French and Latin to be able to pick out the important bits, which was good.  By the end of Mass I had the hang of the responses and was even singing along with the rest of the congregation.  =)

After Mass, Bank and I went down to the Oechsle Fest (Wine Festival) that was going on in the "center" of Pforzheim.  Maybe "town square" would be a more appropriate description, as the Rathaus (Town Hall) was directly next to where we were.  Anyways, we had lunch and some wine there, and each bought a Souvenirglas.  =)

There was a band playing while we were there, and everyone was having a good time.  The food was good, the wine was good... it was a very good lunch.  =)

After lunch, Bank and I decided to go walking past the north end of the Hbf (hautbahnhof - train station).  We walked about 2 km north, and then had to turn around and go back home, another 2.7 km (this is a very rough estimation based off of Google Maps...)

Overall, it was a very cool morning.  =)  It's about 3:45 now, and I think it's time for a nap.  =D

After I upload the pictures that I took....
(Bank has a camera phone which I feel much more comfortable "stealing" as I get the feeling that it's a lot less likely to break...)

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