Saturday, September 5, 2009


Well, not too much has been going on.  Yesterday, Bank and I opened accounts at Deutsche Bank so we can transfer money from Bank of America to Deutsche Bank for free (yay for international partnerships!).  This'll be helpful because we'll have make wire transfers for money for rent and some administration fees down at school.

This city is beautiful.  Very hilly.  And all of the houses are unique.  No cookie-cutters here.  =)

There's an Aldi type store called Lidl just down the hill from us.  (Literally, if you turn at the first street north of our dorm (I think it's North, but my Lake Radar is so totally off...) you can go down a street and then down a flight of stairs and there's the store.  It's quite convenient.  =) And it's just like an Aldi, too.  Makes me feel more comfortable with things, since now I know where to go to get decently priced shampoo as well as laundry detergent and food.  =)

Well.  It's 10am here, so I'm going to go shower and then I think Bank and I are going to head to Stuttgart to check out a car museum.

OH.  Here's Bank's blog so you can see pictures, since I, unfortunately, don't have a camera...

Love and hugs to all!



  1. Things found in Erin's room by her mother (looking for her camera):
    ***many finished sudoku puzzles
    ***the 2nd cassette tape for "Timeline" (Mairtin is super happy!)
    ***yarn, yarn, yarn
    ***scarves, scarves, scarves
    ***over $70.00 in gift cards (still goo, I checked)
    ***more yarn
    ***many items made out of yarn

    Things NOT FOUND:
    ***her camera

    Sorry, Bear.
    I tried.
    Could you give me some hints??
    Love. mom

  2. Thanks for looking Mom! Glad Mairtin's happy about the Timeline tape =) I would have thought it to be on my dresser... Love you!
