Thursday, September 3, 2009


September 3 - still on a notepad note...

Still no internet.  I'm a username and password away from connectivity... Bank's neighbor let him use his, though, so Bank has internet.

I have to say, Bank is pretty awesome.  I was kind of nervous when we were first making plans about this trip, but now I'm really glad that he's around.

In other news... I HAVE A PHONE!!!!!  I'm not going to be completely disconnected anymore!!!!  Granted, I'm going to have to put more money on it, as it only has one Euro's worth of calls (not very much) at the moment and I probably won't be able to do that until I get my internet up and running, but still, it's nice to be "connected" even though I only have Emily Hammes' phone number at the moment and, well, I'm not actually "connected" yet.  =D

We bought Bank a power cord thingy for his computer, which means that I get his adapter for my computer.  =D

I have no camera =/  Got a phone, but it doesn't have a camera...  That bothers me a little.  I'm still trying to figure out what to do for a camera...  Bank has offered me his, but he's actually a "photographer" whereas I'm much more of a "woah, shiny! click!" kinda gal...

I've been tracking my expenses... Most of it has been food and things that I "need" to live, like the cat-5 cable and phone.  Ok, true, I don't "need" a phone... but still, it's nice to be able to communicate with people... =p

Took my webcam over to the window and tried to get some pictures... They're not very good, but at least this way you can see the beaiutiful view I have.

Before I left, Ellie tied a homemade string bracelet around my ankle.  It's nice to look down every once in a while and see it firmly stuck on there.  =D  Also, the two beaded bracelets that Sarah Lim and Ellie gave me are firmly on my wrists.


EEEEP!!!!! Bank came in with a username and password!!! I have INTERNETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!  =D  <3  This is so exciting!!!!

Pictures of my view from my webcam...


  1. Okay... I am not a lunatic parent....
    I was reading the Yarn Harlot's blog tonight...and she sent HER DAUGHTER across the world THE SAME DAY I did!!
    And she had a lot of the same feelings!!!
    So I am going to save myself the trouble of making my own blog.... and just refer you to HERS!!
    Have fun!
