Saturday, September 12, 2009

Thursday was, in fact, productive.

On Thursday after class, I was able to go to the International Office, go to AOK and get the insurance figured out and I register my address with the Rathaus - which will allow me to apply for a visa.  I couldn't apply for the visa just yet because I need proof that I can afford to live here (a bank statement) so I'll get that and go back next Thursday after class.  Also, after I got back to my room, I was able to jerry-rig my internet connection, so I have that again. =)

I stayed up really late last night, so I missed a trip over to Stuttgart today, but that's alright, I'll probably get there later this month.  Besides, this gives me a chance to do my laundry and work more on my German.

Bank, Younghoe, Eunsol, Ross and I went on an excursion last night to find a Chinese Restaurant:


(Picture taken by Bank. From right to left: Ross, Me, Younghoe, and Eunsol.)

I have to say, I felt really tall on that excursion - Ross is from Hong Kong, and Eunsol and Younghoe are from Seoul... ;)  But it was a lot of fun!  It was really funny, at the restaurant, they spoke Chinese and German - but the menu was in German.  =)  So we had Ross go up there and order for us.  It was delicious.  =)  Unfortunately, I can't say exactly what we had...


  1. Hey Erin.. You missed a great day yesterday! and that Chinese food was great. Not like Chicago or Toronto, but good none the less. Especially after a week of pasta and the like.
